
Negotiation & Negotiating Skills

Learn new and more effective tactics for negotiation
Doing business requires many skills, but to achieve truly profitable results you must master the demanding skills of negotiation. In business you don't necessarily get what you deserve, you get what you are capable of negotiating.

                   The skills of negotiation in business is a crucial factor to lasting relationships and outcome of deals


This course will facilitate a complete understanding of the process of structured business negotiation - the knowledge, the skills, and critical negotiation styles required for success.


The course is highly practical, involving full participation and using practical role plays scenarios, discussions and intensive skills workshops.



- Your personal negotiation style and its strengths and weaknesses

- The structure of negotiation

- How to deal with objections and rejections

- The emotions and attitudes that affect negotiation

- Where selling and buying stops and negotiation begins

- Turn constants into variables

- If you fail to plan, you plan to fail

- How to plan and structure each negotiation

- How to use non-verbal techniques of persuasion to influence the other party

- How to conduct successful business negotiations to achieve a WIN/WIN result

- How and when to seek a LOSE/WIN, LOSE/LOSE or WIN/LOSE result

- How to avoid giving concessions and start trading them instead

All sales and purchase persons or any business professionals who want to learn or perfect the skill of business negotiation in order to achieve truly profitable business.


Duration and location
This course is a 2 or 3 days On-Site company course. Time, location and programme will be agreed upon together with you.


Number and price
Maximum 16 participants. The price depends on the agreed programme. The price is exclusive VAT and possible expenses for travel and accommodation for the trainer.


For more information
Contact ROMMERDAHL U&U, Adelgade 1, 1304 Copenhagen K,  +45 3333 0937, e-mail: Denne e-mail adresse bliver beskyttet mod spambots. Du skal have JavaScript aktiveret for at vise den.




Telefon: 33 33 09 37 | E-mail: kursus@rommerdahl.dk | Adelgade 1, 1304 København K
